Rowboat, open boat
Brand new - other
Model year: 2024
4,45 m x 1,70 m
180 kg
Engine type: No engine
About the boat
Priset avser ny båt 2024 inkl åror. (utan motor)
Vi erbjuder denna i paket med Yamaha utombordare, ring för offert/pris. Med styrpulpet och Yamaha F15 eller F20 så blir detta en otroligt prisvärd och mycket ekonomisk styrpulpetbåt som saknar konkurrens på marknaden.
Vi har en i lager för omg. leverans.
HR 445 en allroundbåt med en skrov-konstruktion som
liknar våra pulpetbåtars skrov,
men ändå enkel och robust som våra övriga
roddbåtar. Det breda skrovet med de höga
friborden gör båten säker och trygg. Den
stabila konstruktionen gör också att den kan
bära en 20 hk fyrtaktsmotor med fartresurser
strax över 20 knop. Man skulle kunna kalla
den en ”Motorroddbåt”.
Extrautrustning Styrpulpet, vindruta, Iglobox.
Längd i meter | 4.45 |
Bredd i meter | 1.70 |
Fribordshöjd (invändigt) | 0,60 |
Vikt utan motor (ca) | 180kg |
Antal personer | 4 |
Max hk | 4-20hk |
Rigglängd | Lång |
Torra stuvfack | 1 |
Dynsats | o |
Huvudströmbrytare | o |
Körkapell | o |
Badstege | x |
Åror | 8,5 fot |
Rostfritt grabbräcke | o |
Styrpulpit/Båge | o |
Iglobox | o |
Styrkabel meter | 2.75 |
Vindruta | o |
Reglagekabel fot | 6 |
V-form° | 14 |
x=Standard o=Tillbehör | |
Kategori D | |
D = Båt lämpad för kustfarvattten och inomskärs med vindstyrkor upp till 7.9 m/sek |
The price refers to a new boat in 2024 including oars. (without engine)
We offer this in a package with Yamaha outboards, call for a quote/price. With a console and Yamaha F15 or F20, this will be an incredibly affordable and very economical console boat that lacks competition in the market.
We have one in stock for omg. delivery.
HR 445 is an all-round boat with a hull design that
similar to the hull of our pulpet boats,
but still simple and robust like our other
rowing boats. The wide hull with the high
freeboards makes the boat safe and secure. The
stable design also allows it to
carry a 20 hp four-stroke engine with speed resources
just over 20 knots. You could call
it a "Motor Rowing Boat".
Optional equipment Steering console, windshield, igloobox.
Length in meters | < e.g. bgcolor="#C4E6FF" width="125">4.45|
Width in meters | 1.70 |
Freeboard height (inside) | |
Weight without engine (approx.) | 180kg |
Number of persons | < e.g. bgcolor="#C4E6FF">4|
Max hp | 4-20hp |
Rig length | Long |
Dry storage compartments | 1 |
Pad Kit | o |
Main Power Switch | o |
Choir Chapel | o |
Bath ladder | x |
Oars | 8.5 feet |
Stainless steel grab rails | o |
Steering Console/Arch | o |
Igloobox | o |
Strength Cable Meter | < bgcolor="#C4E6FF">2.75|
windscreen | o |
Control Cable Foot | < bgcolor="#C4E6FF">6|
V-shape° | On October 14, 2019 | ,
x=Standard o=Accessories | |
Category D | |
D = Boat suitable for coastal waters and inland with wind speeds up to 7.9 m/sec |
Passengers 4
Refrigerator None
WC None
Shower None
Engine facts
Engine type No engine
Recommended engine (hp) 20
Boat Database
We would be happy to help you insure your boat with:
We would be happy to help you finance the boat.
- 28 900:-Cash price
- 425:-/month*Monthly cost
* The monthly cost is calculated based on 60 months, 20% down payment, and 3.95% interest.